Harvest time in our beautiful valley. This piece is a small portion of a 5' panel. Custom loft balconey glass, Two 5` panels, one side vineyard the other apple orchard.The house overlooks Okanagan Lake on a bluff. Not much engraving went on this summer. I took a wild fall, slipping on wet stairs in my slippy rubber boots. My engraving hand took all the weight of the fall. Silly thing to happen, devastating to my engraving. We don`t realize how precious something is until we loose it for awhile or altogether for that matter.
A fellow engraver from England, also a member of the Guild of Glass Engravers, is in my area. She is here to hand deliver a commission to a local winery. I really hope to get to meet her!
More news to follow!
I`ll be shortly back in the studio again, good as new I hope!