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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Little Dragon and Snowflake Fundraising

This little Dragon, intaglio engraved paperweight and this snowflake decoration will be in a gift basket that you can win at the wednesday markets at Wharf Park in Naramata on Wednesdays from 3:30 - 6:30. You will find Craig Henderson there, Author and Editor of He will be selling his latest book Naramata Chronicles and you will also be able to enter a draw for a gift basket filled with wonderful gifts from our local Artisans and Artists. You only need to answer a trivia question related to the book to enter. This is a truly worthy cause, 25% of the proceeds of the book which is $20 go to the good work of the Naramata Community Fund. Good Luck!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

GGE First Online Exhibition

This Bee Paperweight was recently selected to take part in The Guild of Glass Engravers first online exhibition. Check it out! You will also see some beautiful works by my fellow engravers!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Farewell to Mr. R, (Jeff Redden) Naramata`s beloved Elementary School Principal is heading across the lake to Trout Creek School in Summerland. These wine glasses were custom ordered for him as a parting gift. They have 4 Naramata Scenes, Naramata Elementary School, Maypole dancers at Manitou Park, the Little Tunnel looking down on Naramata and a Vineyard/Orchard scene typical of our beautiful surroundings. The scenes fit into the top part of the R on each glass. I love to engrave these special gifts as they are so meaningful to the person who receives them as well as the people who give them. Cheers and all the best Mr. R.!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

This is another little perfume bottle. It is faceted and has beautiful colors enveloping it when the light catches it. It is engraved with a lotus, coyfish and little dragonflys all around. The images reflect all around it. It was a craft faire item. I love little perfume bottles, they are very collectible and you can put whatever scent you like in them. I like to use essential oils mixed with a little distilled water for my scents.
This is a faceted paperweight I call "Wise Woman", it also multiplies the image and reflect and refracts the light beautifully. Paperweights are very collectible items as well and this was also a craft faire item. I sold almost all of my inventory and hope to have even more next year if all goes well.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone has a healthy, happy, prosperous and interesting New Year this 2012. This is a paperweight which I love because I love bees and what they do. They are so important in my big herb and vegetable gardens, without bees we wouldn`t live very long on this planet. I make a herbal healing skin salve which is a very powerful natural anti-inflammatory, antiseptic,anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. It immediately takes the anger, itch and swelling from wounds. It is for itches,scratches, bites and rashes, burns, cuts and bruising. The bees are important to all the herbs grown for the salve and also there is beeswax in it which contains propolis which is a natural antiseptic and is very healing in itself. I`ve been making this salve for over 20 years and all who use it always come for more. I make bigger and bigger batches every year. It is so rewarding to grow herbs myself and make this good for everything salve. It has helped many people with stubborn rashes and angry wounds and impossible bites and even eczema problems. It will take the anger right out of a wound and ease the pain and itch immediately whilst it safely heals. We must all stop using pesticides as they are killing these beautiful and very important creatures and ruining the very balance of nature.